Ensure that you are reaching your whole audience. Trainers, Educators, Speakers, Volunteer Coordinators, Managers, Directors; Businesses and Organizations who provide learning for their clients, volunteers or customers. Learning Innovation provides Professional Development for Keynote and Guest Speakers, Professional Lecturers and Subject Experts. Expand your presentations, to generational and diverse learning needs.
Intentionally Learn and Train Others! Create and improve your presentations, workshops and seminars.
- Connect with a Variety of Learning Preferences
- Ensure that Your Educational Resources Accommodate Diversity
- Produce Interactive and Dynamic Customer Learning Materials
- Reach Your Volunteers Online
- Elevate Confidence and Best Practices Knowledge
- Exciting and Effective Results
Meet the deliverables/targets in your Quality Improvement Plan, and Agency Education/Communication Plan. Take your training resources to the next level. Improve On-boarding and development of staff, volunteers or customers. Elevate your volunteer educational resources to be accessible online. Specialty: Including Variety Within Learning. Expertise in non-profit and community sector, including health care and government funded programs. Educational resources and custom training materials developed to meet the organization’s needs and context. Employee development for just-in-time and blended learning options which include evaluation tools for quality improvement. (Online, in-person or hybrid learning experiences).
- Learn How to Create and Improve Your Training.
- Train the Trainer Seminars, Webinars, Workshops and E-Learning
- Go Beyond ‘The Policy Manual’ Training
- Produce Interactive and Dynamic Workplace and Community Learning
- Educational Resource Development
- Attract and Retain Higher Quality Employees & Volunteers
- Be a Leader in Workplace Training
Specific Training Topics Can Also be Requested.
Learn what is your preferred Inspired Learning Personality.
Example of a learning personality resource: