Open the Wallet
Year-End Spending time is Now. Fiscal Year-End for many non-profits is the end of March. I know this is your month, to see what dollars are left over for the long wish list. After being very careful with the spending all year, diligently following the budget lines, now you can ensure much needed items are purchased. Non-profit budgets are tight, and sometimes don’t cover everything needed to value and support employees, as you would like. Now is the time to loosen the clamp on the budget, and open the wallet, (or make a list of what to ask for in future budget planning).
Grow the Money
The dollars need to stretch beyond dollar for dollar purchases. Buying items that will eventually break down is necessary, BUT think about making some of the money GROW! One way to do this, is by investing in your employees through training resources and programs. Help your people flourish! Staff learning and development can come in many forms, so be on the lookout for opportunities.
Time is Money
Time is money, and you can’t afford for employees to not be at their best! You also want to keep your top talent. All year long, and when planning ahead, employee training programs should be part of the agenda. However, I understand that unfortunately training is not always on top of the agenda. Now, is a great time, to invest forward by signing up for webinars, workshops, seminars and learning events.
Check Yes
I encourage you, to add TRAINING EMPLOYEES, to the ‘wish list’. Make sure that your bottom line, includes the options for quality improvement. Check ‘YES’ for using your training dollars, and that budget line wisely. It is smart to add learning and development to the budget and/or priority spending list. Part of great leadership and innovative people management, is to invest in workplace education. Therefore, open the wallet, invest in your team, see well-spent dollars grow, after-all time is money. Year-End Spending time is Now, add employee training to your checklist.
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About the Author

Patricia with Regier Educational Services, helping facilitators engage the variety of learning types in your online audience. Education includes a Master of Adult Education, a BA in Psychology, and twenty years experience developing and facilitating workplace, community and collaborative training. Online learning experience designer and facilitator. Utilizing teaching adults best practices, and innovative multi-media resources to emphasize your message. Engaging content creator, facilitator and online production partner.